Friends of Durham Cathedral Talk

Durham Cathedral
A round up of the talk given to the Friends of Durham Cathedral by Durham Bat Group Members.

Durham Bat Group was invited by the Friends of Durham Cathedral to give a talk to members about the ‘residents’ and what we as a group are doing to support them.

The talk took place on the evening of Monday 5th Feb 2024 in the magnificent Prior’s Hall to around 80 Friends. It started off with an overview of the bats of the North East given by Ian Bond, and was followed by a section on the bats at the cathedral and first aid provided by both DBG members and cathedral staff, presented by Melissa Young. The talk was rounded off with a section from Jodie Morgan on how we plan to develop our support in the future and the research we are looking to carry out within the cathedral complex in coming years.

To finish off the evening, Friends were invited outside to discover some of the equipment we use including bat detectors, night vision aids and full spectrum recording devices. This section in particular was greeted with enthusiasm by a large number of Friends even though we didn’t see or hear any actual bats.

We’ve had some great feedback from the Friends about the talk, and were particularly delighted to hear our logo described as ‘the coolest logo in the world’ because of the inclusion of the cathedral.

Find out more about our work at the Cathedral on our Projects page, and keep an eye on this blog for updates on upcoming research.

Durham Cathedral
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