About us

Durham Bat Group is a collection of individuals from a range of backgrounds who share a passion for bats and their conservation. We pool our knowledge and experience to carry out a range of activities including:

Special projects & research

Public bat walks & talks

Bat care & rehabilitation

Training support for bat workers

Collection of records through surveys


Membership is free and open to anyone, regardless of location, but our work covers the main Durham area. We put on a number of events throughout the year where members can meet, share knowledge and learn from each other. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done anything with bats before, or if you’re a fully qualified ecologist or bat worker, there will be something in this group to appeal to you.

Take a look through our website to discover what we do, or contact us for more details.

Where We Operate

We cover the area between the Tyne & the Tees that is essentially the pre-1974 County Durham boundary. However, we also work closely with neighbouring bat groups to provide support across the general North East Region.