Projects & Research

Durham bat group is involved in a number of projects across the region. These range from regular bat box checks at nature reserves to help monitor populations, to bat care support and citizen science.

Hamsterly Forest

Many years ago, when Durham Bat Group first started, they started a project of bat monitoring at Hamsterley forest to see how they are using the bat boxes on site. 40 years on and we still carry out an annual check.


If you’ve ever visited the wetlands centre you are sure to have seen the bat boxes they have put up around the reserve. Durham Bat Group has assisted the WWT for a number of year with monitoring populations and checking the bat boxes at key times of the year.

Bat Care

Some members of Durham Bat Group are also involved in bat care. This can involve anything from supporting members of the public who have found a grounded bat, to collecting them from vets when they need more long term care and hand-rearing bat pups that are unable to reunite with their Mum. Found a bat you think needs help? Discover what to do with our quick guide.

Durham Cathedral

Durham Bat Group has a long standing relationship with Durham Cathedral. Our volunteers work alongside Cathedral staff to carry out regular patrols in the summer providing care and rehabilitation for downed bats. We also collect data for ongoing research into this significant location.